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A Multi-Level "Mario Kart" Style Race Track Is Opening In Niagara Falls

Go-karting on steroids.
A Multi-Level "Mario Kart" Style Race Track Is Opening In Niagara Falls

Get your childhoods ready - a slew of new attractions are coming to Niagara Falls, and one of them will let you live out your deepest Mario Kart fantasies.

HOCO Limited, a privately-held tourism and resorts company, is almost finished building a massive Mario-Kart-esque racetrack in Clifton Hill, which is the entertainment strip of the Falls. They're calling it the "Niagara Speedway" and it will be the first attraction of its kind in Canada, as well as the largest in North America. The addition is part of an ongoing development project started in 2015 aimed towards the revitalization of Niagara Falls tourism.

The layout will be similar to that found at The Tracks in Branson, Missouri. It will take the go-kart experience to the next level with a 4-storey corkscrew and multiple elevated coaster sections. 

Along with the race track are a line-up of other new attractions, including a zombie exhibit, an enhanced 4D motion theatre, simulators and a renovated Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum. The entire space, which will include a widened pedestrian walkway and 750-car parking lot, will occupy over 10-acres of space along Victoria Avenue. If you think Niagara Falls is outdated, think again!

All construction work is expected to finish this fall, with the month of October slated for testing. HOCO is looking to launch all of the new attractions in the spring of 2018.

To get an idea of what the race track will end up looking like, check out these images of the two epic race tracks in Branson:

NOTE: Contrary to alternate reports, the race track has no official affiliation with Nintendo and was not directly inspired by Mario Kart whatsoever. 

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